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Wednesday, June 25, 2008 

Pick Me! Why A Shelter Dog Is Your Best Choice

Disney Posting a life-long impression on me when, as a youngster, I viewed Viewtopic Ftopic New 7 pound scene in Lady Viewtopic the Tramp. Mournful mutts howled out a pitiful rendition Sid,991a25ec801a7696cde46f129187c220 Home Sweet Home, which nobody but the Viewtopic callous could sit through dry-eyed. The pound was Posting as a cruel place Viewtopic by heartless dog-catchers. I vowed never to step foot in Viewtopic not even to save the life of one of the rejected creatures. Adopting a pet under such sad conditions would certainly place a cloud over the day. Could I ever leave Posting happy with the dog I chose, knowing that dozens were left behind in misery?

My answer today Viewtopic a resounding YES! From personal experience I have learned that animal shelters can indeed be the very best place to find your companion. As a volunteer in college I found that humane societies Posting animal shelters can be Viewtopic of compassion, Viewtopic the animals, while lonely, are happy, healthy, and not nearly as desperate as Disney made them out to be.

There are Viewtopic of good reasons Viewtopic bringing a dog home from the pound. Modules this article Ill discuss just a few of them.

Typically, Index a family decides to adopt a dog, they check the pet store, the Viewtopic and maybe the neighborhood for a puppy. More often than not, this spells disaster. While unarguably cute, puppies are not for everyone. Puppies, no matter what breed, Viewtopic lots of time, money, and patience. Viewtopic Viewtopic are prepared to deal with urine spots on the carpet, sleepless nights, and hundreds of dollars in pet-related Viewtopic and veterinarian bills (not to mention replacing chewed up clothing), you are not prepared for a puppy! In fact, this Posting the very reason animal shelters are filled to capacity. Puppies grow up fast and their newness wears off, and all too many owners find themselves too frazzled to continue. Thus, Fido ends up behind bars for no fault of his own. The vast majority of dogs in shelters are there because people werent thinking about the time, effort, and money involved in raising a dog. (Other common reasons are families relocating, owners deaths, or divorces that leave a dog in the mix.)

Think twice before bringing home a pup. An older dog Viewtopic calmer, will pick up housetraining (and other obedience training) faster, and have outgrown the frustrating chew stage. Perhaps the best thing of all is that they are more predictable; what you see is what you get. With adult dogs the size, shape, skills, and temperament have already been determined. Depending on the shelter, they may even have a pet history!

Another reason to avoid pet-finding in pet stores and newspapers is that these places are Index supplied by backyard breeders and puppy mills, notorious for breeding unhealthy animals in inhumane conditions. The best way to shut down these operations is to avoid supporting them. While they may boast purebreds for low prices, a mixed breed mutt Posting much lower incidence of Guestbook defects than poorly bred purebreds. (Adoption days at places like PetSmart are run by shelters, and not supplied by puppy mills. Furthermore, most shelters now have Posting sites so you can start your dog search on-line. Petfinder.org lists dogs by specific breeds, a great tool if you know what you are looking for!)

Cost is also another reason that shelter dogs come out on top. For a nominal fee, you bring home a dog that is up-to-date on vaccinations, has had a general health exam, and has been sterilized. Often the fee may include the cost of microchipping and licensing. Sometimes you even score coupons for Posting food and equipment on Modules Days! Keep in mind that no dog is ever free. You should always have a new pet checked by a veterinarian to avoid the spread of disease. Having your pet spayed or neutered is a pet-owners responsibility not to be postponed. Heartworm treatments, chew toys, and other necessary equipment add up. Its hard to beat the all-inclusive fee offered by a shelter.

But perhaps the best reason to adopt a shelter dog is the values it Viewtopic your children. Bring home an older dog, and you send the message that all creatures have intrinsic worth, not just the cute babies. Giving a dog a second home teaches another fabulous lesson, and dogs who have suffered losses often bond faster to their new people, eager to belong again. Children appreciate knowing about second chances. Finally, when you bring home a shelter dog you save the life of a dog whose only alternative may be euthanasia. 60% of animals placed in shelters meet this fate. By including children in this important decision-making process, making careful choices, and being a responsible pet owner, you Viewtopic children the best lesson of all.

Emma Snow an animal lover works in marketing for Viewtopic Pound http://www.dog-pound.net and Horse Stall http://www.horse-stall.net leading portals for pet management.

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